During the exam your eyes will receive a thorough and detailed examination using our state of the art equipment.  We will review your medical and ocular history, take measurements of the cornea and refractive conditions, and perform screenings for eye diseases such as diabetes, glaucoma and cataracts to determine what treatment is needed to provide you with the best eye care possible.

Optical Coherence Tomography

Emerging technology for performing high resolution cross-sectional images of the inner lining of the eye. These images are used to monitor changes (on a scale of microns!) from diabetes in the back part of the eye, effects caused from glaucoma, and other conditions affecting the optic nerve or retina.


Contact Class

Contact classes are offered for all new contact wearers. Our trained and knowledgeable staff will make sure that you know how to properly handle and care for your contact lenses to ensure the safest care for your eyes.


Retinal Fundus Photo

Fundus Photography is used to look closely at the retina and neurosensory tissue that transfers optical images through electrical impulses to the brain.This allows us to digitally document many different eye diseases.


Corneal Endothelial Specular Microscope

Non invasive photographic technique used to analyze and visualize the corneal endothelium. This is newer technology used for early detection of corneal dystrophy and effects of contact lens overwear along with many other conditions caused by aging. 



Monday:                  8:30am - 5:00pm

Tuesday:                 8:30am - 5:00pm

Wednesday:             8:30am - 5:00pm

Thursday:                8:30am - 5:00pm

Friday:                    8:30am - 5:00pm

Saturday:                              CLOSED

Sunday:                                 CLOSED